1. TC. Chuang, “Y2K Practical Solutions”, Presentation material as a guest speaker for the Industrial Development Bureau Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taipei, Taiwan., Feb., 1999 (*) |
2. TC. Chuang, “Laser Printer”, Elecro-Optic Library, Book 9, Electro-optics Science and Technology Committee (EOC), Taiwan National Science Council, May 1987 (*) |
3. Y C. Kao, M. Tejwani and K. L. Wang, TC. Chuang “Uniformity and Crystalline Quality of CoSi2/Si Hetero-structures Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Reactive Deposition Epitaxy”, with, UCLA Technical Report, 1984 (*) |
4. TC. Chuang, “The Xerographic Properties of Amorphous silicon”, Eastman Kodak Company Technical Report No. 371647, 1984 |
5. TC. Chuang, “A Diffusion Model and a Computer Simulation for the Dynamics of Charged Particles under Electromagnetic Fields”, Eastman Kodak company, Technical Report No. R-367724, Feb. 1984 (*) |
6. TC. Chuang, “Holographic Scanner Design Procedures and Evaluation”, Eastman Kodak Company, Technical Report, No. R-166542, Jan. 1983. |
7. TC. Chuang, “A Miniature Fiber Optic Infrared Toner Concentration Monitor:, Eastman Kodak Company, Invention Report No. K-20772, April 1983 |
8. T. H. K. Frederking, TC. Chuang et al, “Fluid Vapor Separator for Variable Flow Rate “, NASA Technical Briefs, with T. H. K. Frederking et al, Fall, 1983 (*) |
9. TC. Chuang “Transients of Superconductors in Superfluid Liquid Helium II”, UCLA Ph.D. Dissertation, 1981 |
10. T. H. K. Frederking, TC. Chuang et al, “Recovery of Superconductivity of Formvar-coated NbTi/Cu from post Quench Conditions”, Advances in Cryogenic engineering, Vo. 26, page 667, 1980. |
11. T. H. K. Frederking, TC. Chuang et al, “Vapor Liquid Phase Separator”, UCLA-ENG-8073, 1980. |
12. T. H. K. Frederking, TC. Chuang et al, “Transport in Supercritical and Rotting He4 at Low Temperatures”, LCLA-ENG-7925 Report, April 1979. |
13. T. H. K. Frederking, TC. Chuang et al, “Transport in Superoritical and Rotating Cryo-fluid Subjected to Couettee-Taylor Convection”, UCLA-ENG-7”6, 1979. |