1.Ful-Chiang Wu, Thomas C. Chuang, Ya-Chi Lee and Ruei-Lung Lai, 2018/11, Optimal Threshold Value of Digital Dynamic System, International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering. (Accepted) |
2.Thomas C. Chuang, Ful-Chiang Wu, Ya-Chi Lee and Fuh-Der Chou,2018/05, Optimization of Metal Refinement Process by Selecting the Optimal Threshold Value, International Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. (Accepted) |
3.C. C. Yu, Y.N. Chen, W. H. Hsu and Thomas C. Chuang, “Automated Text Detection and Text-line Construction System in Natural Images,” the Fourth International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications , Jeju, South Korea, Nov, 2012. |
4.C. C. Yu, W. H. Hsu, Y. N. Chen and Thomas C. Chuang, “A Text Detection and Orientation Restoration System for Mobile Devices,” the Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing , Athens, Greece, July, 2012. |
5.C. H. Cheng, C.C. Yu, C.M. Wang, K.C. Fan and Thomas C. Chuang, "Human Gait Classification using Optical Flow Features," IPPR Conf. on Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing (CVGIP), Aug. 2010 |
6.Kuo-Chin Fan, Chih-Lung Lin, and Thomas C. Chuang, “Hierarchical Decomposition Approach to Palmprint Verification”, CVGIP 2005 |
7.Chih-Chang Yu, Fan-Di Jou, Chia-Ming Wang, Kuo-Chin Fan, Thomas C. Chuang, “A Non-uniform Quantization Based Multi-resolution Histogram Matching Method for Fast Image/Video Retrieval”, CVGIP 2005 |
8.Thomas C. Chuang, Chih-Lung Lin, and Ling-Yi Feng, “A Robust Personal Palmprint Identification System”, CVGIP 2005 |
9.“Collocational Translation Memory Extraction Based on Statistical and Linguistic Information” Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, Vol. 10, No.3, September 2005, pp. 329-346 |
10.Kuo Chin Fan, Chien Hsiang Huang, Thomas C. Chuang, “Italic Detection and Rectification”, The IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Submitted, 2005 |
11.Chang-Lung Tsai, Kuo-Chin Fan, Char-Dir Chung and Thomas C. Chuang, “Data Hiding of Binary Images Using Pair-wise Logical Computation Mechanism”, ICME, Taipei, 2004 |
12.Chang-Lung Tsai, Kuo-Chin Fan, Char-Dir Chung and Thomas C. Chuang “Reversible and Lossless Data Hiding with Application in Digital Library”, 38th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST), New Mexico, USA, Oct. 2004 |
13.D. L. Lee and Thomas C. Chuang, “Complex Projection Rules for the Complex-valued Hopfield Networks”, 第九屆人工智慧與應用研討會論文集, pp. 28, 2004. |
14.Thomas C. Chuang, Jian-Cheng Wu, Tracy Lin, Wen-Chie Shei, Jason S. Chang, “Bilingual Sentence Alignment Based on Punctuation Statistics and Lexicon”, First International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 22-24, Sanya, Hainan Island, China, March 2004 |
15.H. Liou, J. Chang, Y. Yeh, M. Liaw, C. Lin, H. Chen, G. You, C. Chuang, Z. Gao, “Using corpora and computational scaffolding to construct an advanced digital English learning environment: The CANDLE project”, The 7th International Conference on Multimedia Assisted Language Learning, Dec. 19, 2003. |
16.張俊盛、劉顯親、¸葉由俐、廖美至誠、陳浩然、游耿能、莊暢、高照明、張智星,國家型數位學習計畫:CANDLE (Corpora And NLP for Digital Learning of English), 第三屆語言與科技研討會論文集,頁86-95,2003年。 |
17.H. Liou, J. Chang, Y. Yeh, M. Liaw, C. Lin, H. Chen, G. You, C. Chuang, Z. Gao, and J.-S. Roger Jang “Corpora and NLP for Digital Learning of English-Advancing CALL for Learners in Taiwan” ,In the 15th R.O.C. Computational Linguistics Conference, ROCLING XV, p. 169, 2003. |
18.Wu, CJ, K. Yeh, T.C. Chuang, W.C. Shei and Jason S. Chang., “TotalRecall: A Bilingual Concordance in National Project CANDLE”, Proceedings of the fifteenth Research on Computational Linguistics Conference, ROCLING XV, Hsinchu, page 339, 2003. |
19.Hsie, W.C., K. Yeh, J.S.Chang, T.C. Chuang, “Interleaving Texts and Punctuations for Bilingual Sub-sentential Aligment”, Proceedings of the fifteenth Research on Computational Linguistics Conference, ROCLING XV, Hsinchu, Page 327. |
20.Hsie, W.C., K. Yeh, J.S.Chang, T.C. Chuang, “Using Punctuation and Lengths for Bilingual Sub-Sentential Alignment”, Proceedings of the fifteenth Research on Computational Linguistics Conference, ROCLING XV, Hsinchu, Page 330. |
21.Wu, CJ, K. Yeh, T.C. Chuang, W.C. Shei and Jason S. Chang., “TotalRecall: A Bilingual Concordance for Computer Assisted Translation and Language Learning”, In Proceedings of the 41th Annual Meeting of Association for Computational Linguistics, Comp. Volume, 201-204, 2003. |
22.Thomas C. Chuang, N.G. You, and Jason S Chang, “Adaptive Bilingual Sentence Alignment”, In Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, AMTA, 2002. |
23.Thomas C. Chuang and Jason S Chang, “Adaptive Sentence Alignment based on Length and Lexical Information”, In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of Association for Computational Linguistics, Comp. Volume, 91-92, 2002. |
24.Jason S. Chang, Geeng-Neng You, Thomas C. Chuang, Ching-Ting Hsieh, David Yu, Afra Cheng, “Building A Bilingual WordNet and Semantic Concordance from Corpus and MRD”, In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Chinese Lexical Semantics, Nangkang, Taiwan, pp.209-223, 2002. |
25.T. C. Chuang, S. Yoshida and T.H.K. Frederking, “Optimum Intermediate Temperatures of Two-Stage Gifford-McMahon Type Coolers”, 11th International Cryogenic Conference, pp 401-408, paper accepted March 1, 2000. |
26.T.C. Chuang et al, 1983 “The Thermo-Osmotic Heat Transfer on a Solid immersed in Sup erfluid Liquid He II”, ASME, 83-HT-11, 1983. |
27.T.C. Chuang, Y Komioka and T. H. K. Frederking, 1983 “Unsteady Conductor Heating Probe Weakly and Strongly Stratified”, hR Congr., Paris Vol. A 1/2, Paper 1, Aug. 1983, 44-51 |
28.T. H. K. Frederking, T.C. Chuang, Y I. Kim and D. W. Hatfield, 1983 “SolidConstraints on the Thermal Conductance Between Solid and Helium Above 2 K”, ASME 83-HT-7, 1983 |
29.T.C. Chuang, Y Komioka and T. H. K. Frederking, 1982 “Simplified Technique for the Evaluation of Multiple Layer Insulation”, Proc. of Cryogenics Eng. Conf. ICEC-9, Kobe, 1982, 568-571 |
30.T. H. K. Frederking, T.C. Chuang et al, “Kinematics of Fluid Flow in Low Temperature Transfer Systems”, Meeting of International Institute Refrigeration, Sep. 1980, Heat Transfer Hydrodynamic Instabilities, in Mixture No. 2; Refrigeration Science and Technology, Vol. 1981-1, page 311 |
31.T.H.K. Frederking, T.C. Chuang et al, 1981, “Transient Superconductor Cooling (Nb/Ti/Cu) - Helium by Means of Superfluid He II during Step Input in Power”, IIR-CEA Meeting paper A-7, France, Nov. 1981 |
32.T.H.K. Frederking, T.C. Chuang et al, “Vapor-Liquid Phase Separation of Cryogenic Liquid Storage Below the lambda Point”, Cryogenic Processing Equipment, ASME, NY, 1981, page 135 |