Ful-Chiang Wu, Thomas C. Chuang, Fuh-Der Chou & Ya-Chi Lee, Evaluating the Reliability of Diagnostic Performance Indices by Using Taguchi Quality Loss Function,
Annals of Operations Research (2020), Published: 02 January 2020. SCIE. |
Dian Luo,a Chung-Tsung Hsieh,a Yen-Po Wang,a Thomas C. Chuang,b Hsin-Hua Changc and Chih-Hao Chang *a , “Pure exciplex-based white organic light-emitting diodes with imitation daylight emissions”, RSC Advances, 8(53) 30582-30588, 2018. |
Thomas C. Chuang, John S. Liu*, Louis Y. Y. Lu, Fang-Mei Tseng, Yachi Lee & Chih-Ting Chang, “The main paths of eTourism: trends of managing tourism through Internet”, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 22(2) 213-231, Feb. 2017. |
Thomas C. Chuang, John S. Liu, Louis Y. Y. Lu, Yachi Lee, “The main paths of medical tourism: From transplantation to beautification”, Tourism Management 45(2014) 49-58, Dec. 2014. |
C.C. Yu, H. Y. Cheng, C. L. Lin, C. C. Lee, W. T. Hong and Thomas C. Chuang, "Video-based Chinese Input System via Fingertip Tracking ", International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, DOI: 10.5772/52259, 2012. |
Rong-Seng Chang, Jang-Zern Tsai, Tung-Yen Li., and Thomas C. Chuang, “LED Backlight Module by a Lightguide-Diffusive Component with Tetrahedron Reflector Array”, Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 8, NO. 6, pp. 321-328, June 2012.(SCI) |
Chih-Chang Yu, Fan-Di Jou, Chun-Chieh Lee, Kuo-Chin Fan, Thomas C. Chuang, “Efficient multi-resolution histogram matching for fast image/video retrieval”, Pattern Recognition Letters 29(2008) 1858-1867, June 2008.(SCI) |
Chang-Lung Tsai, Kuo-Chin Fan, Thomas C. Chuang, “Lossless Data Hiding of Color Images Using Pixel Decomposition and Phase Difference”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering 23, 1481-1498 (2007).(SCI) |
Hsieh, Feng-Yang, Chin-Chuan Han, Nai-Shen Wu, Thomas C. Chuang and Kuo-Chin Fan, “A Novel Approach to the Detection of Small Objects with Low Contrast”, Signal Processing, Vol 86, Issue 1, pp. 71 - 83, Jan. 2006. (SCI) |
Chih-Lung Lin, Thomas C. Chuang and Kuo-Chin Fan, “Palmprint Verification Using Hierarchical Decomposition”, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 38, Issue 12, Pages 2639-2652, Dec. 2005. (SCI) |
D. L. Lee and Thomas C. Chuang, “Designing Asymmetric Hopfield-type Associative Memory with Higher Order Hamming Stability”, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, Vol. 16, No. 6, pp. 1464-1476, Nov. 2005. ( SCI, EI) |
Thomas C. Chuang, Kevin C. Yeh, “Aligning Parallel Bilingual Corpora Statistically with Punctuation Criteria” Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, Vol.10, No.1, pp.95-122. (NSC 92-2213-E-238-015-) |
Thomas C. Chuang, “Dimensional Analysis for Gorter-Mellink Counter Flow Convection in Pressurized Superfluid Helium” The International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 48, pp 455-459, Jan. 2005. (SCI) |
Thomas C. Chuang, Jia-Yan Jian, Yu-Chia Chang, Jason S. Chang, “Collocational Translation Memory Extraction Based on Statistical and Linguistic Information”, Paper accepted as an invitation paper to be revised and submitted to Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, Jan. 2005. |
Thomas C. Chuang, Jian-Cheng Wu, Jason S. Chang, Ling-Yi Feng, “A New Approach to Statistical Translation Model for Phrases”, Submitted to Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2005. |
Thomas C. Chuang , Dong-Liang Lee, Ling-Yi Feng, Ching-Feng Tsi, Kuo-Chin Fan, “Personal Identification Using Keystroke Dynamics and Typing Images”, Submitted to Pattern Recognition Letters, 2005. |
Lee, Chun-Jen, Chang, Jason S. and Chuang, Thomas C. “Alignment of Bilingual Named entities in Parallel Corpora Using Statistical Model”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3265/2004 pp. 144-153 (SCI, NSC 92-2213-E-238-015-). |
Chuang, Thomas C., Jian-Cheng Wu, Tracy Lin, Wen-Chie Shei, Jason S. Chang, “Bilingual Sentence Alignment Based on Punctuation Statistics and Lexicons”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol.3248: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 224-232, Springer-Verlag. (SCI, NSC 92-2213-E-238-015-) |
Thomas C. Chuang, NG You, and Jason S Chang, “Adaptive Bilingual Sentence Alignment”, Lectures Notes in Computer Science; Vol.2499: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 21-30, Springer- Verlag, 2002. (SCI) |
Jason S. Chang, Tracy Lin, Geeng-Neng You, Thomas C. Chuang , Ching-Ting Shei , “Building A Chinese WordNet Via Class-Based Translation Model”, Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp 61-76, Aug 2003. |
D. L. Lee and Thomas C. Chuang, “Design of General Bidirectional Associative Memories with Improved Recall Capability,” International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 325-328, October 2004. |
Thomas C. Chuang, Geeng-Neng You , Huei-Hong Shen, Jason S. Chang, “Using Machine Readable Dictionaries for Word Sense Disambiguation”, Submitted to Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Aug. 2004 (SCI, SSCI、EI NSC 92-2213-E-238-015-) |
Chiunhsium Lin, Thomas C. Chuang and Kuo-Chin Fan, “Face Recognition Using Lighting Normalization and Feature Combination Classification”, submitted and first revision to Pattern Recognition, Oct 2004. (SCI) |
Thomas C. Chuang, Yu-Ting Liang, 2005, “Restoration of Case Information in All-cap English Broad-cast Transcription” to submitted to Journal of Artificial Research 2005 |
Thomas C. Chuang, Yu-Chuan Liu and Chee-Chan Wang, 2005, “Improved Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopy of Polypyrrole Electrodeposited on Roughened Substrates Composed of Au-Ag Bimetallic Nanoparticles”, Journal of Raman Spectropy, accepted Oct. 2004 (SCI) |
Yu-Chuan Liu, Shung-Jim Yang, Thomas C. Chuang and Chee-Chan Wang, 2004, “Pyrrole Self-assembled Monolayer and Orderly Autopolymerization on Chloride and Gold-containing Nanocomplexes Prepared by Electrochemical Methods”, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 570(2004) pp. 1-5.(SCI) |
Yu-Chuan Liu, Jieh-Ming Huang, Chun-En Tsai, Thomas C. Chuang and Cheng-Cai Wang, 2004 “Effect of TiO2 nanoparticles on the electropolymerization of Polypyrrole”, Chemical Physics Letters, 387, pp 155-159 (SCI) |
Yu-Chuan Liu and Thomas C. Chuang, 2003 “Self-Assembly and Autopolymerization of Pyrrole and Characteristics of Electrodeposition of Polypyrrole on Roughened Au(111) Modified by Underpotentially Deposited Copper”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 107, 9802-9807 (SCI) |
Yu-Chuan Liu and Thomas C. Chuang, 2003 “Synthesis and Characterization of Gold/Polypyrrole Core-Shell Nanocomposites and Elemental Gold Nanoparticles Based on the Gold-Containing Nanocomplexes Prepared by Electrochemical Methods in Aqueous Solutions”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 107, 12383-12386 (SCI) |
Thomas C. Chuang, 2002, “Characteristics of Steady and Transient Superfluid Transports for the Cooling of Superconducting Rotating Machines”, International Journal of Rotating Machinery, vol. 9, Sep. 2003, pp 427-436 |
Shaw-Yang Yang, Yu-Ying Liao, Chung-Kung-Lee, Chuang Tom, and Chang-Jui Ping 2003, “A Sustainable Development Project of An Ecological Campus”, Engineering Environment Special Issue, 2003(11), pp 95-104. |
Thomas C. Chuang, T.H.K. Frederking, 2001, “Diagnostics of Coolers with Oscillation Fluid Motion Part II Entropy Generation”, Cryogenics, 41, 299-304 (SCI) |
S.W.K Yuan, T. Chuang et al, 1990. “Superfluid Transport and Its Applications in Space”, Cryogenics, 30, 222-229 (SCI) |
W.W.K. Yuan, T.H.K. Frederking and T.C. Chuang, 1989. “Thermal Contact Domain Resistance: Overall Solid Helium 4 Kapitza Resistance”, Cryogenics, 29, 587-593 (SCI) |
T. H. K. Frederking, T.C. Chuang et al, 1984. “Sintered Plug Flow Modulation of a Vapor-Liquid Phase Separator for a Helium II Vessel”, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 29, 687-695 |
L.H. Lin, T.C. Chuang, Y.I.Kim and T.H.K. Frederking, 1983. “Quenches of Formvar-Coated NbTi/Cu Caused by Step Input in Power”, IEEE Transaction on Magnetic, Vol. MAG-19 (3), May, 212-215 (SCI) |
Y.I. Kim, Li-He Lin, T.C. Chuang and T.H.K. Frederking, 1983. “Influence of Helium I Layer Formation on the Copper-Helium-4 Kapitza Resistance at Helium II Bath Temperatures”, Applied Physics Letters 43(5), Sep., p. 451-453 (SCI) |
T.C. Chuang and T. H. K. Frederking, 1982. “Dynamic Quench of NbTi in Pressurized He-4: 1. Dual Lambda Transition During Transient heat Transfer”, Cryogenics, August, , page 423-427 (SCI) |
T.C. Chuang et al, 1982. “Transient Triple-Phase Transitions in Superfluid Liquid Helium II”, Advanced Cryogenic Engineering, 27, 493-500 |
Y.I. Kim, C. Chuang and T.H.K. Frederking, 1981.”Axial Transfer Tube Heat Leak of rotating Superconducting Machines: Fluid Contribution”, IEEE Transaction on Magnetic, Vol. MAG-17, No. 1, Janurary, pp 130-133 (SCI) |
H.K. Frederking, T.C. Chuang et al, 1979. “Cryostatic Influence of Formvar Coating on Sizing of the Stabilizer in Superconductive Nb/Ti/Cu Conductor Bundle Effect”, IEEE Transactions of Magnetic, Vol. MAG 15, page 800 (SCI) |