架號 |
刊名 |
01-01 |
Academy of Management Journal |
01-02 |
Academy of Management Review |
01-03 |
ACM Computing Reviews |
01-04 |
ACM Transactions on embedded computing systems |
01-05 |
ACM Transactions on Graphics |
01-06 |
American Economic Journal : Applied Economics |
01-07 |
American Economic Journal : Economic Policy |
01-08 |
American Economic Journal : Macroeconomics |
01-09 |
American Economic Journal : Microeconomics |
01-10 |
American Economic Review |
01-11 |
American Economic Review:Insignhts |
01-12 |
Art Culinaire |
02-01 |
Aviation Week and Space Technology |
02-02 |
Communtication Arts |
02-03 |
Cooks Illustrated |
02-04 |
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly |
02-05 |
Cosmetics Business |
02-06 |
Design Issues |
02-07 |
Food And Travel |
02-08 |
Food Technology |
02-09 |
02-10 |
Hotel & Moter Management |
02-11 |
Information Display |
02-12 |
Innovation-Idsa VA |
03-01 |
Interior Design |
03-02 |
International Journal of Business |
03-03 |
International journal of market research |
03-04 |
Journal of Consumer Research |
03-05 |
Journal of Economic Literature |
03-06 |
Journal of Interior Design |
03-07 |
Journal of Marketing |
03-08 |
Journal of The Operations Research Society of Japan |
03-09 |
KOCA - das Magazin fur Konditorei & Cafe |
03-10 |
03-11 |
Lodging |
03-12 |
04-01 |
04-02 |
Management International Review (MIR) |
04-03 |
Mechanical Engineering |
04-04 |
Pure Beauty |
04-05 |
The Administrative science Quarterly |
04-06 |
The Journal of Econmomic Pershpectives |
04-07 |
Thuries Magazine Gastronomie |
04-08 |
04-09 |
Top Hair International |
04-10 |
Tourism Culture & Communication |
04-11 |
Tourism Recreation Research |
04-12 |
Tourism Review International |
05-01 |
Wine & Spirits |
05-02 |
Wine Spectator |